London Dance Studio, the safe studio!

Covid safety measures
(under constant review, status of 20th April 2022)
Keeping you safe and healthy is our number one priority.
- If you test positive for Covid-19 or are asked to isolate and are not able to attend your class or pre-booked event, please contact us> for further information. Please do not come to the studio in person if you have symptoms or have tested positive.
- While the Covid infection numbers are high we strongly recommend to do a Lateral Flow test twice a week, if you have mild cold-like symptoms please also test on the day of the class and wear a mask while you're in the studio. If you have bad cold-like or Covid symptoms please don't come to the studio.
- Masks are no longer compulsary. But we ask you to consider others when in our studio and especially when spending time in a more crowded space where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet. There will be people who wear a mask. If you dance in hold with them please ask if they would prefer you to wear a mask, as it can arranged between two people.
- At a Ball or party> where we expect that it might be more crowded, we still might ask for everyone to test, so that everyone can feel safe and more relaxed. Check the description of each party or Ball.
- For your private lesson you can arrange with your teacher your personal choice of safety measures, the teacher will follow your wishes for testing and/or masks.
- The studio provides hand sanitiser and all often touched surfaces are regularly being sanitised.
- The numbers of participants and dance lessons in the hall are slightly restricted and doors are frequently open for ventilation.
Where to buy tests and register test results
1. Buy Lateral Flow tests
at pharmacies, Boots etc.
​2. Register each test result here on the NHS website:
If you've created a NHS account to login, that will also make it easier for next time. https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result
You'll then receive a text message and an email that confirms that you have registered your test result. And the test result will also appear in your NHS Covid Pass, ready for any events who might ask for it.